There must be infinite things that get me fuming, make me angry, spike me mad.
My emotional atyachaar can be of quite an echelon. I can let it go to such heights that my stress level can break all mercury levels. And thus I have tutored myself into some personal version of rationality, which includes empathizing with the culprit, ignoring the act/fault-person and imagine they no more walk on this earth. And smiling (read grinning ear to ear)helps when nothing goes ones way.
Also I count my lucky stars (10, 20, 30.. 100, 1000.. so on...) that I am not like the person who irks me!!
IHM tagged me to come out with my set of emotional Atyachaar and I am prompt to act on it(3weeks down).
I agree with all that IHM has to say about her “atyachaar list”… in an effort not to repeat I came up with my list with incidental emotions that have made me evaluate myself.
1. People who are constantly hypercritical about others. I sincerely think they don’t give themselves enough time each day and probably need to meditate on themselves rather than nitpick on others. Oh!! They have opinion and advice for everyone but self. Dare anyone do a wrong and they are eager to reprimand with tight slaps and harsh language because they have the copyright to be rude, ill-manners, being judgmental hypercritical and everything gone wrong.
2. I hate eve teasers and perverts who will blame the victim for being beautiful, sexy or simply a woman who actually forced the teaser to eve tease the victim. Really loser!! Do you ever think for a second what the women in your family are going through on a daily basis?
3. I am quite peeved with this thing of always being politically correct. Why should everybody get so touchy all of a sudden? I would prefer people who will speak the truth so that I know whom I am relating myself with. Its far more dangerous if I have to associate with people who believe one and speak another. And so I ask, where do I practice my freedom of speech?
4. I love animals: I can’t understand how people can mistreat, torture and ignore them. I will also never understand people who don’t like animals and pets and that includes my SH too.Birds must not be kept in cages, hamsters and guinea pigs teach kids to be responsible and kind, cows and deer have the most beautiful eyes, the best music is made by whales, dolphins are genius beings, and I will give every wink of sleep and every mouthful for a pup in distress.
5. It beats me to understand people who are sweet on my face and bitch like, that’s what they were born to do in life. These characters make me extremely angry because such kinds have cost me potential relationships, but I feel sorry for them because they need some serious psychiatric help instead are roaming unattended. But that’s where the next point comes.
6. I dislike free advise because most of the time I perceive it as being nosey. If I don’t see you as a family stay out of my family decision. Being a friend and being taken for granted are two separate concepts.
7. I don’t get jealousy, so deal with it. I care a hoot if you have gold plated bathroom fixtures or platinum toilet seats when you plan to do some serious community service and help some needy I will truly understand how invaluable you are.
8. I will never understand wars, executions, violence, robbing helpless people, burglary, rivalry killings, honor killings (what’s so gallant this), wife battery, flogging to retain family respect.- this list has much more to add….
9. I don’t like show offs. Oh Gosh! This one is a never ending list. School friends have turned rivals here. Whose husband earns more, what position they work, how big a house do we have, what signature brands one uses. It’s really sick. Well I don’t really mind them doing it till they start asking me questions.
10. Women not being respected in the society. Women being used as an object, a commodity- used as a mode to take revenge against family, clan, country. Women who is treated as a nobdy then becomes responsible of the family honor, society, clan and so on. Ghar ki izzat, Khandaan ki izzat, honor killing, honor rape, rape as a war weapon, trophy, a cattle who can be sold to feed the rest of her loving family.
11. Racism Vs Casteism Vs Religions Vs Regionism Vs Communism Vs gender bias Vs Sexual orientation Vs Immigrant cultures Vs “what is the melting pot”, Should I go on??? Also this ongoing thing about Indian and Amreeka for me gets to me. Please people I love where I live and this is my home. So don’t ask me if I miss India. I have grown up in a residential school all my life. So I am used to being homesick even in the happiest of times. It will be difficult for people who have not experience a hostel life to understand where my comparison comes. Nothing more to say here (maybe another post in another time)
12. Wrestling, boxing, animal fights in the rings. I sincerely want them to be banned. It’s plain torture for me even to think that people enjoy and pay to watch these events.
Long list, sorry folks. So here is a pic MiNi Louuus and hope you do too Coz this one is for all of you.
The Angel in my house.
My emotional atyachaar can be of quite an echelon. I can let it go to such heights that my stress level can break all mercury levels. And thus I have tutored myself into some personal version of rationality, which includes empathizing with the culprit, ignoring the act/fault-person and imagine they no more walk on this earth. And smiling (read grinning ear to ear)helps when nothing goes ones way.
Also I count my lucky stars (10, 20, 30.. 100, 1000.. so on...) that I am not like the person who irks me!!
IHM tagged me to come out with my set of emotional Atyachaar and I am prompt to act on it(3weeks down).
I agree with all that IHM has to say about her “atyachaar list”… in an effort not to repeat I came up with my list with incidental emotions that have made me evaluate myself.
1. People who are constantly hypercritical about others. I sincerely think they don’t give themselves enough time each day and probably need to meditate on themselves rather than nitpick on others. Oh!! They have opinion and advice for everyone but self. Dare anyone do a wrong and they are eager to reprimand with tight slaps and harsh language because they have the copyright to be rude, ill-manners, being judgmental hypercritical and everything gone wrong.
2. I hate eve teasers and perverts who will blame the victim for being beautiful, sexy or simply a woman who actually forced the teaser to eve tease the victim. Really loser!! Do you ever think for a second what the women in your family are going through on a daily basis?
3. I am quite peeved with this thing of always being politically correct. Why should everybody get so touchy all of a sudden? I would prefer people who will speak the truth so that I know whom I am relating myself with. Its far more dangerous if I have to associate with people who believe one and speak another. And so I ask, where do I practice my freedom of speech?
4. I love animals: I can’t understand how people can mistreat, torture and ignore them. I will also never understand people who don’t like animals and pets and that includes my SH too.Birds must not be kept in cages, hamsters and guinea pigs teach kids to be responsible and kind, cows and deer have the most beautiful eyes, the best music is made by whales, dolphins are genius beings, and I will give every wink of sleep and every mouthful for a pup in distress.
5. It beats me to understand people who are sweet on my face and bitch like, that’s what they were born to do in life. These characters make me extremely angry because such kinds have cost me potential relationships, but I feel sorry for them because they need some serious psychiatric help instead are roaming unattended. But that’s where the next point comes.
6. I dislike free advise because most of the time I perceive it as being nosey. If I don’t see you as a family stay out of my family decision. Being a friend and being taken for granted are two separate concepts.
7. I don’t get jealousy, so deal with it. I care a hoot if you have gold plated bathroom fixtures or platinum toilet seats when you plan to do some serious community service and help some needy I will truly understand how invaluable you are.
8. I will never understand wars, executions, violence, robbing helpless people, burglary, rivalry killings, honor killings (what’s so gallant this), wife battery, flogging to retain family respect.- this list has much more to add….
9. I don’t like show offs. Oh Gosh! This one is a never ending list. School friends have turned rivals here. Whose husband earns more, what position they work, how big a house do we have, what signature brands one uses. It’s really sick. Well I don’t really mind them doing it till they start asking me questions.
10. Women not being respected in the society. Women being used as an object, a commodity- used as a mode to take revenge against family, clan, country. Women who is treated as a nobdy then becomes responsible of the family honor, society, clan and so on. Ghar ki izzat, Khandaan ki izzat, honor killing, honor rape, rape as a war weapon, trophy, a cattle who can be sold to feed the rest of her loving family.
11. Racism Vs Casteism Vs Religions Vs Regionism Vs Communism Vs gender bias Vs Sexual orientation Vs Immigrant cultures Vs “what is the melting pot”, Should I go on??? Also this ongoing thing about Indian and Amreeka for me gets to me. Please people I love where I live and this is my home. So don’t ask me if I miss India. I have grown up in a residential school all my life. So I am used to being homesick even in the happiest of times. It will be difficult for people who have not experience a hostel life to understand where my comparison comes. Nothing more to say here (maybe another post in another time)
12. Wrestling, boxing, animal fights in the rings. I sincerely want them to be banned. It’s plain torture for me even to think that people enjoy and pay to watch these events.
Long list, sorry folks. So here is a pic MiNi Louuus and hope you do too Coz this one is for all of you.
(check more here)
I would like to extend the tag to (if they have not done it already)
Goofymumma (
Eve’ Lung
Odessa (
Goofymumma (
Eve’ Lung
Odessa (