Friday, June 1, 2012

The Birthday Month is here!!

It is already 1st of June. Every time I think about it, it seems even more incredible. It is Champ’s Birth month. In another 18 days Champ will be One year old Baby Boy.
                   Last year at this time I was praying for a safe and minimum pain although natural delivery and this year I am planning a One year Birthday party for my baby boy - actually, still toying with some ideas. One thing I am sure about is that this party is meant for the Birthday boy and his friends (future buddies), not the parents. I will not disclose too many details about the party here, simply because I am not sure how much of it will be done the way I am planning for it. After all this is my first baby party. I read somewhere that the number of friends in a baby’s party is directly proportionate to his age. That would mean only one friend. I want a few more baby friends to come since, I want his party to feel like a baby party with baby laughter and that is exactly how I hope it to be. The Backyard will be the venue and will be the baby galore!
                    We bought a house this year so that our darling boy has a backyard to run around in and now we cant wait for the day when he will start to walk and run and sprint across. For now I know he does not like the grass. It is either ticklish or prickly. We don’t know yet. But it is confirmed he is in love with nature. he loves to go outside and look at the trees and birds. He loves to pluck the lemons from the garden. And two days ago he plucked the first ripe apricot. It is a joy to watch him interact with the surroundings.
                   Our boy is a talker. He loves to talk, make new sounds and sing, me thinks. Well kind of sing. He will make long ooooo and aaaaa in lovely pitch and tones. Often he will do that after a song finishes or with the music on his gym activity. This makes me think probably he is singing. So I have a budding singer I need to nurture... who is not interested in much other than army crawling, to pick the minutest of the dirt and nibble on them, race towards the cold floor at every opportunity, who loves to jump on dad's lap and lie quitely in mama's lap and maybe hum a little if mood allows. who has 4 teeth with two more ready to peak out. And who has lost interest in sweet potatoes and apples and peas now that he has tasted chicken. Yes, Yes! My darling adorable sweetie Pie, my coochicoo, poochipoo, my guppochi cuppochi, chonumonu,  my besan ke ladoo, it is your Birth Month.
Thank You My Almighty, for blessing me with the most adorable lifeline of mine. 

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